Chief Information Security Officer as a Service

Hire a certified Information Security Manager for your company today!

Professional Services

Client focus is our number 1 priority and key success factor when it comes to enabling our customers business by implementing a well thought through and holistic methodology. Cyber security, being the umberella concept, and spanning over important areas such as physical security, information security, technical security, operational security, site reliability, risk management as well as the very many related sub areas such as identity and access management etc has to be implemented according to a strategy based on risk management and enable business as well as being integrated from the top down as well as back up again from the factory floor in order to function in practice. With years of experience from a mulititude of different businesses operating in various parts of the world we can ensure that your organisation benefits from a best practice approach that is tested and continously improved. Whether your focus today is governance, risk or compliance with regulatory demands we can assist you in building a robust and future proof company with ways of working that are adaptable to tomorrows needs in an effecient way.

Holistic Cyber Security

The only method that can assure you achieve a good enough resiliance, an effecient enough organisation with the right (and secure) ways of working is by ensuring your security is integrated and adaptable to the reality your organisation is facing, today and tomorrow.

  • Technical security
  • Training & awareness
  • Risk management
  • Information security
  • Physical security
  • Policies and procedures

Security is a business enabler - The ever evolving threat landscape and new regulatory demands could be "working for you" rather than being obstacles. By ensuring your organisation harmonises in all aspects with your strategy you avoid shadow IT, unidentified risks and other potentially very severe threats to your organisation.

Cybersecurity Training

Our senior cybersecurity experts are experienced in- and taking an active part in training clients in the broad cybersecurity area.

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